Green Wall
Our Green Walls not only add an eye-catching design element to your space, but they also have a practical purpose of cooling the air in our humid climate. Our living walls are a great way to bring a touch of nature indoors and are perfect for any commercial or residential space. Let us help you find the perfect green wall solution for your needs.
Outdoor Green Wall
Design & Installation
Turn your feature walls into living masterpieces with our green wall services. We can transform any space into a lush, vibrant paradise.
Elevate aesthetics & mood, by creating a stunning focal point with our innovative & customised green wall solution. With our experience in plant selection, we will cater to your condition to create a thriving and long lasting green wall.
Green Wall
Our expert team will meticulously care for your green wall, ensuring it remains healthy and vibrant. We'll regularly inspect and nurture your plants, making adjustments as needed. If any plants show signs of aging or stress, we'll replace them with fresh, thriving ones, ensuring your green wall always looks its best.
With our service, you can enjoy the enduring beauty of a thriving green wall without the worry of upkeep. Let us keep your living wall looking stunning year-round